Runaway Racing
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All our races are permitted by the Trail Running Association and operate under UK Athletics competition rules.

These rules can be viewed on the UK Athletics website.

Countryside code

All runners must adhere to the countryside code while participating in one of our events. An abbreviated copy of this is written below.

  • Fasten all gates
  • Keep to public paths across farmland
  • Guard against all fire risks
  • Use gates and stiles to cross fences hedges and walls
  • Take your litter home
  • Help keep water clean
  • Protect wildlife, plants and trees
  • Take special care on country roads
  • Make no unnecessary noise

You can read the full Countryside Code by clicking here

General rules

  • Competitors must a minimum of 12 for our 5K race, 16 for our 10km races, 17 for our half marathons, and 20 for all race over 50km.
  • Runners must follow the marked route at all times.
  • Runners run this race completely at their own risk & will be required to sign a disclosure form before being permitted to run.
  • Dogs are not permitted on any of our races, this is due to a combination UK Athletics rules and insurance cover issues.
  • It is the runner's responsibility to navigate the course correctly, aided by our signage and ribbons. Runners in our 50k events must carry a digital or physical backup of the route.
  • Runners are required to record a time at each checkpoint using their timing wristband unless advised otherwise.
  • Runners must carry the mandatory equipment with them at all times.
  • Runners are permitted to carry poles.
  • Runners must recognise they have equal rights to be on the route and be courteous to other users.
  • Competitors should not jostle at stiles and other obstacles. Nor should they push past slower runners on narrow paths.
  • If a runner come across another competitor who is ill or hurt they MUST offer assistance.
  • A runner must retire immediately if asked to do so by a race official.
  • Pacers are not permitted.
  • Runners must remove headphones at the start of the race, at checkpoints and at road crossings.

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